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Planetin International Coin (PLIC) Price

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ID Number Description Slot
ID 2
2.25 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 77.99 PLIC
ID 2
6 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 77.99 PLIC
77.99 PLIC Purchased by user 77.99 PLIC
ID 2
1.5 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 52 PLIC
ID 2
4 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 52 PLIC
52 PLIC Purchased by user 52 PLIC
ID 2
1.5 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 52.01 PLIC
ID 2
4 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 52.01 PLIC
52.01 PLIC Purchased by user 52.01 PLIC
ID 2
1.5 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 52.02 PLIC
ID 2
4 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 52.02 PLIC
52.02 PLIC Purchased by user 52.02 PLIC
ID 4
15 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42188 520.85 PLIC
ID 504
15 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42188 520.85 PLIC
ID 504
40 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42188 520.85 PLIC
520.85 PLIC Purchased by user 520.85 PLIC
ID 2
3 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 104.2 PLIC
ID 2
8 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 104.2 PLIC
104.2 PLIC Purchased by user 104.2 PLIC
ID 2
3 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 104.22 PLIC
ID 2
8 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 104.22 PLIC
104.22 PLIC Purchased by user 104.22 PLIC
ID 2
3 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 104.25 PLIC
ID 2
8 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 104.25 PLIC
104.25 PLIC Purchased by user 104.25 PLIC
ID 2
3 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 104.28 PLIC
ID 2
8 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 104.28 PLIC
104.28 PLIC Purchased by user 104.28 PLIC
ID 2
6 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 208.67 PLIC
ID 2
16 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42500 208.67 PLIC
208.67 PLIC Purchased by user 208.67 PLIC
ID 42216
1 PLSC 1st Turbo from ID 42500 100 PLSC
ID 2
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42500 100 PLSC
ID 2
13 PLSC Pair Income. 42500 100 PLSC
ID 2
15 PLSC Direct from ID 42500 100 PLSC
new user joined 100 PLSC
ID 17775
4.98 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42224 173.27 PLIC
ID 42216
13.28 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42224 173.27 PLIC
173.27 PLIC Purchased by user 173.27 PLIC
ID 41062
93.3 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42499 3273.07 PLIC
ID 42444
65.25 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42499 3273.07 PLIC
ID 42361
248.8 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42499 3273.07 PLIC
3273.07 PLIC Purchased by user 3273.07 PLIC
ID 17775
1 PLSC 1st Turbo from ID 42499 100 PLSC
ID 41062
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42499 100 PLSC
ID 41062
13 PLSC Pair Income. 42499 100 PLSC
ID 42444
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42499 100 PLSC
ID 42444
13 PLSC Pair Income. 42499 100 PLSC
ID 42361
15 PLSC Direct from ID 42499 100 PLSC
new user joined 100 PLSC
ID 4
10.71 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42362 376.08 PLIC
ID 105
10.71 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42362 376.08 PLIC
ID 42205
10.71 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42362 376.08 PLIC
ID 42357
10.71 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42362 376.08 PLIC
ID 42205
28.56 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42362 376.08 PLIC
376.08 PLIC Purchased by user 376.08 PLIC
ID 4
60 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42498 2118.09 PLIC
ID 105
60 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42498 2118.09 PLIC
ID 42377
60 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42498 2118.09 PLIC
ID 42377
160 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42498 2118.09 PLIC
2118.09 PLIC Purchased by user 2118.09 PLIC
ID 42216
1 PLSC 1st Turbo from ID 42498 100 PLSC
ID 4
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42498 100 PLSC
ID 4
13 PLSC Pair Income. 42498 100 PLSC
ID 105
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42498 100 PLSC
ID 105
13 PLSC Pair Income. 42498 100 PLSC
ID 42205
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42498 100 PLSC
ID 42205
13 PLSC Pair Income. 42498 100 PLSC
ID 42377
15 PLSC Direct from ID 42498 100 PLSC
new user joined 100 PLSC
ID 41062
5.25 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42491 186.41 PLIC
ID 42444
14 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42491 186.41 PLIC
186.41 PLIC Purchased by user 186.41 PLIC
ID 41062
60 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42491 2130.41 PLIC
ID 42444
160 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42491 2130.41 PLIC
2130.41 PLIC Purchased by user 2130.41 PLIC
ID 17775
1 PLSC 1st Turbo from ID 42491 100 PLSC
ID 41062
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42491 100 PLSC
ID 41062
13 PLSC Pair Income. 42491 100 PLSC
ID 42444
15 PLSC Direct from ID 42491 100 PLSC
new user joined 100 PLSC
ID 4
42.99 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42447 1532.29 PLIC
ID 105
42.99 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42447 1532.29 PLIC
ID 42377
114.64 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42447 1532.29 PLIC
1532.29 PLIC Purchased by user 1532.29 PLIC
ID 17775
22.96 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 41062 307.12 PLIC
307.12 PLIC Purchased by user 307.12 PLIC
ID 41062
9 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42361 322.35 PLIC
ID 41062
24 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42361 322.35 PLIC
322.35 PLIC Purchased by user 322.35 PLIC
ID 41062
36.75 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42361 1316.25 PLIC
ID 41062
98 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42361 1316.25 PLIC
1316.25 PLIC Purchased by user 1316.25 PLIC
ID 2
15 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42446 537.96 PLIC
ID 2
40 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42446 537.96 PLIC
537.96 PLIC Purchased by user 537.96 PLIC
ID 42285
6.78 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42490 243.31 PLIC
ID 17775
18.08 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42490 243.31 PLIC
243.31 PLIC Purchased by user 243.31 PLIC
ID 42216
1 PLSC 1st Turbo from ID 42490 100 PLSC
ID 17775
15 PLSC Direct from ID 42490 100 PLSC
new user joined 100 PLSC
ID 2
15 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42446 539.01 PLIC
ID 2
40 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42446 539.01 PLIC
539.01 PLIC Purchased by user 539.01 PLIC
ID 2
15 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42446 539.73 PLIC
ID 2
40 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42446 539.73 PLIC
539.73 PLIC Purchased by user 539.73 PLIC
ID 2
15 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42446 540.46 PLIC
ID 2
40 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42446 540.46 PLIC
540.46 PLIC Purchased by user 540.46 PLIC
ID 4
1.5 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 61 54.05 PLIC
ID 6407
26.64 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 17775 360.32 PLIC
360.32 PLIC Purchased by user 360.32 PLIC
ID 17775
4.44 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42253 160.2 PLIC
ID 42224
4.44 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42253 160.2 PLIC
ID 42224
11.84 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42253 160.2 PLIC
160.2 PLIC Purchased by user 160.2 PLIC
ID 17775
9.99 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42489 361.43 PLIC
ID 42224
9.99 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42489 361.43 PLIC
ID 42253
26.64 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42489 361.43 PLIC
361.43 PLIC Purchased by user 361.43 PLIC
ID 17775
1 PLSC 1st Turbo from ID 42489 100 PLSC
ID 17775
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42489 100 PLSC
ID 17775
13 PLSC Pair Income. 42489 100 PLSC
ID 42224
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42489 100 PLSC
ID 42224
13 PLSC Pair Income. 42489 100 PLSC
ID 42253
15 PLSC Direct from ID 42489 100 PLSC
new user joined 100 PLSC
ID 17775
9.99 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42485 361.43 PLIC
ID 42224
9.99 PLSC Pair from PLIC Trx. of ID 42485 361.43 PLIC
ID 42253
26.64 PLSC Direct from PLIC Trx. of ID 42485 361.43 PLIC
361.43 PLIC Purchased by user 361.43 PLIC
ID 42216
1 PLSC 1st Turbo from ID 42485 100 PLSC
ID 17775
4 PLSC Pair Bonus Income. 42485 100 PLSC

Planetin PLSC Contracts

Planetin PLSC Programme


Planetin PLSC Coin


Planetin PLIC Coin
